Monday, August 16, 2010

Tā nu mēs dzīvojamies

Travisa dzimenē, pats ar aizlienēto mammu Kitiju, asado, cepu ābolīšus kūkai un visi duriņi saulesbrillēs:)

Mana sadzīve pēdējā laikā ir bijusi emociju pilna! Iespējams , ka iepriekš rakstīju, ka man ir labas attiecības ar mājas saimnieku! Nu viss ir sagriezies šķērsām un nevaru saprast īsti kad un kāpēc! Laikam jau man bija pārāk labas attiecības un sāku nevajadzīgi iedziļināties viņa problēmās. Īsumā – viņām trūkst naudas lai uzturētu māju, jo mūsu organizācija beigās nepiegādāja tik daudz īrnieku, cik bija runāts. Tad nu šim ir garastāvokļa maiņas un dažkārt uzvedas kā bērns – kaut ko noburkšķ, uzkliedz, aizsit durvis vai atkal iet un māca visu laiku kā kas darāms, it kā bez viņa mēs būtu zudušu idiņu bars! Es jau arī nemāku muti turēt, bet ja uz mani sāk brēkt ne no kā, gribu paskaidrojumus, un , ja kaut kam nepiekrītu, tad sāku diskusiju! Saimniekam nepatīk! Tad nu bija ieslēdzis MUTE režīmu ar manu uz 2 nedēļām, līdz man apnika spriedze un pajautāju vai varam mest tās muļķības pie malas un izlīgām, bet nu slidena vēl viss. Kā sāku iebilst kaut kam, tā manu, ka atkal šūmējas vīriņš! Ar visu to, ka šīm trūkst naudas, jāmeklē jauni īrnieki un ka kašķējas ar mani, vairs man nav savas istabas – lika mums ar Martu savākt pekeles un ievākties tumšākajā istabā kopā, bet nu līdz nākamajai nedēļai, kad abas tiksim pie lielas gaišas istabas ar balkonu! Ceru, ka būs ok, man jau dikti prasās tas privātais lauks. Visādi savādāk dzīve iet uz urrā, darba daudz, sporta klubā un tango klasēs iet varen jautri un laika nepietiek nemaz. AAA piedalījāmies konkursā par līdera pozīciju jauniešu grupai apmaiņas semināram Brazīlijā un še tev, vinnēja, Marta! Bet ko tur, ir jau viņai ķēriens!
Travisam bija dzimtene, šis tik ļoti gribēja asado (grills) ballīti pie savas Urugvajas ģimenes (šis pie viņiem dzīvoja pirmos mēnešu, līdz ievācās kopā ar mums), ka mēs to noorganizējām slepus! Tad nu džekiņš staigāja skābu ģīmi, jo domāja, ka nevaram saorganizēties neviens un nekā nebūs! Svētku rītā, šīm sakām, beidz skābt, saģērbies un iesim uz parku. Šis pat grāmatu paņēma līdzi, nabadziņš! Līdz pat pēdējam mirklim, kad jau bijām pie Kitijas mājā šis neko nesaprata līdz sākām skandēt Happy B-day! Tad nu šim bija prieki! Šmorējām, uzspēlējam basīti un vienkārši labi pavadījām laiku!
AA un pirmais jau dodas prom! Katka no Slovākijas 2dien beidz savu programmu un atta! Tad nu sataisījām ballīti kā nākas! Vakariņas, vīns, dāvanā plakāts ar foto mozaīku ar labākajiem mirkļiem iz brīvprātīgā dzīves! Dejas, jautrība un karaoke. Paši mākam sevi izklaidēt, kā nekā esam 10 – ballīte nav tālu jāmeklē, kad gribas jautrība!
Katkas atvadu ballte, taisam paši savu jautrību, šmorējam, dziedam un dancājam

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A hitch-hikers paradise/ stopētaja paradīze

Palu laiks upē, kā nekā pavasaris nāk un tālumā tilts uz Argentīnu

Pase pārbaudīta un varam kātot apm 1 km pāri upei uz Argentīnu
We were told a long time ago that the place to go in the winter is North Uruguay where the hot water springs are. Marta and me, we decided to go to Salto passing through Paysandu– it’s about 500 km from Montevideo.  From the positive previous hitchhiking experience we were sure one weekend is enough to go, enjoy and return – and we were right! 
We started on Friday and it was pouring rain – butt our determination to get out of the city made us believe it all going to be good! And it was, we took the city bus to the bridge where the toll booth is and a truck took us straight away. We got a ride to the next highway, and then 10 min later a guy stopped and took us to the next town, he had had a Canadian girl living in his family from a similar project so he had sympathy with us.   
termālie baseini, mazpilsēta Colon, drauga ome pie savas mājas parciņā, Pl un Lv klaidones un bezgalgari ceļi stopēšanai
We had lunch at the gas station, Marta had to put plastic bags in her boot, because it turned out she got a hole in the sole but other than that we were more or less dry and had 300 km to go! And then we heard a yell from a truck driver who happened to go to our destiny, nice! Well it was a old truck, so we spent like 4h in it, listening to the same cumbia CD (simple local country music), chatting a bit and surrounded with the smell of pee – he was carrying  fertilizers in his truck!!! 
But it brought us safe and sound to Paysandu, where we stayed with a friend’s aunt and grandma, such nice and lovely people! Got up early, there were blue skies and sun waiting for us; we headed out to cross the bridge to Argentina! Both countries have been fighting over a plant which was build close to the river and made it complicated to cross the border until recently – we crossed the bridge to a town called Colon, took a walk there, had lunch and decides to continue the journey on the Argentinean side – 120 km. 
Apelsīnu dārzs saulrietā, martas mīļākais koks, 2. vecākā teātra ēka Urugvajā, Martas zābakau žāvēšana un izbijusi cietuma ēka Paysandu
Two short rides till a Brazilian truck driver picked us up. Nice guy and it turns out we do understand just enough Portuguese to communicate for an hour!!! We were stopped by the police 2 times, routine truck checking and one time they checked us, backpacks including, but very nicely and without problems. Than we parted our ways and had to cross another bridge to get back to Uruguay. 
A Peruvian guy stopped and was heading also to the Hot Sprig resort, nice! Being a Latvian here is nice, I’m very interesting, and Marta is blond, so while we were flirting with the customs officers, people forgot the Peruvian and only when we had already crossed he told us he is independent entrepreneur – meaning, he had his car full with souvenirs to sell at the resort!! Ok....   
The day was beautiful, just driving and enjoying the views! Must say this part is very plane, fields and some trees but still, nature is nature – love it! Finally at 7 pm we reached the resort and were ready to chill for a while. But me and Marta being active persons an hour of sitting in water and doing absolutely nothing was enough,  as it was dark, we decided to take the bus back to Paysandu, there was one at 11pm, so we went to a bar and from the many saved on transportation enjoyed a meal and some drinks! Arrived to our borrowed family at night and had the best sleep in a long time! 
On Sunday we decided to sleep out, woke up, listen to stories told by the grandma , while our aunt was making lunch, after the meal it was time to head back – it was already 3 pm and still had 400 km to go! But it was no problem. Two cars, nice, chatty drivers and home sweet home!!!!

another Florida/ Cita Florida

vecā stacija, jaunā stacija, pats vilciens un piesvīdis, režģots vilciena logs un mans izbrīns

Laipni lūgti Floridā, senatnes dvesma te atrodama it visur...
Deva mierpilnās realitātes
It turns out there are trains in Uruguay! So one weekend we decided to try them out! I already knew that there is a huge, beautiful old train station building close to the port -it doesn't work anymore, people hope they gonna restore it someday, but meanwhile they build a small new station. There are only few destinations from Montevideo to the closest interior towns - one of them is Florida, about 100 km ride - it took us 3h :) The trains are old, but the seats are comfy, there is no heating however, let me remind you I still have the winter season here, so we were freezing...., brrrr it was cold!!!
It was a cold, gray day, but we were so excited to have train ride and so determined to enjoy the day that we ignored our frozen toes and running noses. We have discovered by now that all the towns look the same, more or less – there is the main square with a church, police station, municipality, a bakery, a bar and a man shopping street. The towns are formed in blocks, the houses are very low and if I had been brought to a town with my eyes closed and then opened them, I wouldn’t be able to tell which town I’m in.
We spent a big part of the day searching for a coffee shop, which was rather difficult, because most bars don’t serve coffee, we were explained that they are simple bars where you can get a drink – what else do you need, now seriously! But the walk was good, it took us trough out the town, to a bakery with delicious pastry, to a burger stand and a nearby square to have lunch until finally we found a place to worm up and have a hot drink :).
Afterwards we decided to search for the river we had seen in the map and the town park. And what a joy, the sun came up and wormed up the day and made us smile. We went through the little streets, and saw a bit the reality of small town living, got to the river on the town border and saw a nice view – water, trees, horses and everything covered in plastic bags – sad, but true, they still working on the THINK GREEN thing here! 
Then we realised that our train leaves in an hour and had to go through the whole town to get to the station. Had no choice but to move fast – we got on the train 10 min before departure – good job!!!  The sun had wormed up the train to, the ride back was quite enjoyable and we had a Saturday well spent!